The Association of Professional Artists and
2014 Aarhus Kunsthal
artists - 6 collective works.
the auspices of the European Capital of Culture
Aarhus 2017, ProKK presents the exhibition Epidemics,
the first in a series of four large exhibitions
leading up to 2017.
This exhibition is about epidemics:
Many phenomena have contagious behavior. This applies
not only to viruses and bacteria, but also cultural
and social systems can be contagious, sometimes
to an extent that it becomes an epidemic.
These phenomena are always about communication.
In order to become an epidemic, there must be a
contagion and a source of contagion. If you become
infected, or allow yourself to be infected, you
will then become a source of infection that can
spread out into the world. Therein lies major forces,
and opportunities.
Prokk has been inspired by Epicenter at Aarhus University,
a humanities research project that examines infection
and epidemics from a social and cultural perspective.
In collaboration with the Epicenter anthropologists,
we have been involved in presentations and coaching
along the way, which has been a great inspiration
to the artists as well as the anthropologists..
It has been a basic premise that the participants
should work in networking groups. Partly to test
the infectivity of ideas, to develop an awareness
of epidemics, to work towards a collective work,
but also because it is a way of making art that
ProKK wants to deeply and thoroughly explore, with
special requirements placed on the individual artist.
Due to the subject matter, working on the exhibition
has been a very special process. It is a subject
that should not be processed as a theme, illuminated
from many sides, but as a subject that is action-oriented:
something that does something! We have chosen to
make the creation process part of an experiment,
by having participants work in a structural way
that mimics the contagious.
Initially, all artists were affiliated with one
of the five sub-themed groups that they either chose
or allowed themselves to be contaminated by:
Rygter (Rumors)
Kroppen som Slagmark (The Body as a Battlefield)
Massebevægelser (Massive Group Movements)
Røde Hunde (Rubella)
Frygt (Fear)
These topics
were guidelines, with the ability to diverge into
new directions along the way.
After presentations by the Curator Tove Nyholm and
researchers from Epicenter, from the beginning of
the year, each group began a long series of meetings,
correspondence and important experimental workshops.
When the conversations became too theoretical, the
artists took various materials in their hands and
continued the conversations that way.
Working in large groups has been a challenge that
has required great inclusiveness and cooperation.
Initially, approximately 90 ProKK members signed
up, and although there has been a drop off along
the way, the artists who have left the groups, due
to disagreements or lack of time, have helped to
shape the process and thus the final works.
One of the groups chose to divide into two, because
the participants were too far apart, but that division
gave renewed energy to both groups.
Another group discovered that each of them had moved
so far into a compromise that none of them had an
anchor in the work that was taking shape! Becoming
aware of this problem gave the group new inspiration
and a new way to proceed.
The many talks and workshops increased awareness
of the artists's own methods and attitudes and helped
them open up for others. This forced the participants
to better express themselves about their work, and
has supplied opportunities to test new materials
and other forms.
The end result is six major works, of which five
are purely collective works, while the sixth is
based on a combination of individual and joint works
in synergy around the group's topic.
ProKK is proud to invite you to this exhibition,
which has opened new paths both artistically and
in terms of new artistic and business partners,
something we look forward to building upon in the
coming exhibitions.
Epidemics is
supported by: Municipality of Aarhus, and European
Capital of Culture Aarhus 2017